
All About Anime and Manga

Rabu, 31 Agustus 2011


The ANBU (暗部; English TV "ANBU Black Ops"; Literally meaning "Dark Side"), short for Ansatsu Senjutsu Tokushu Butai (暗殺戦術特殊部隊; Literally meaning "Special Assassination and Tactical Squad"), take orders directly from the Kage, performing special high-level missions, such as assassinations and torture. The ANBU usually work in teams formed to the requirements of the mission, ensuring maximum success. The shinobi in the ANBU are hand-picked by the Kage; chosen for their individual capabilities and special skills. Age, gender, background, or previous rank bear no weight in this decision. They wear their mask even in their own village, for their identity as an ANBU agent is to be known only by the Kage and village elders, with the exception of Konohagakure's "Root" ANBU members who, unless ordered to, will otherwise only act on Danzō Shimura's orders.
There are apparently no true ranks within the ANBU, unlike within the regular forces. Team leadership and hierarchy seem to be based on merit and experience. The leaders of the teams are called squad leaders (分隊長,Buntaichō), a position held in high regards.


A fully equipped ANBU.
The ANBU wear porcelain animal masks in order to distinguish themselves from normal shinobi and to conceal their identities. They also have standard uniforms consisting of black and grey armour, metal arm guards and gloves, ninja sandals with spikes for travelling into mountainous regions, three ninja pouches on their back-waist and a signature spiral tattoo on their shoulder (left shoulder for male ANBU members, and right shoulder for female members). Some ANBU wear black cloaks over their standard uniforms, and squad leaders may wear white cloaks. Most ANBU carry a sword, which is usually strapped to their backs.


The ANBU tattoo.
ANBU are under direct control of their Kage. They protect the village from exceptional threats, conduct high-risk missions into enemy territory, and deal with extremely strong ninja. They are also responsible for carrying out assassinations, tracking, surveillance, and missions requiring specially trained ninja. Some ANBU serve as interrogators that probe the minds of enemy ninja to learn information valuable to the village. If an ANBU is mortally wounded in battle, they are required to destroy their bodies to prevent any information from getting into enemy hands.
In Konohagakure, there exists a special branch of the ANBU known as the Root. It was created and led by Danzō, who sends its members on missions that he believes will benefit Konoha. Root members are trained to abandon all forms of emotion in order to follow Danzō's orders unquestioningly. Root members also have a seal located on their tongue. This seal prevents a member from speaking about Danzō and Root. This was to ensure that, if a member ever left or got captured, information regarding Root would not be leaked. During Pain's invasion of Konoha, Danzō instructed Root not to assist in the defence of the village.
Kirigakure also has their own special branch of ANBU, known as the Hunter-nin. They solely hunt down missing-nins and kill them, then retrieve the head as proof, while disposing the rest of the corpse on the spot to not leave behind any information for the enemies. Due to their duties, they are codenamed as the "Undertaker Squad".
ANBU have a detailed knowledge of the human body, and can use such techniques as the Temporary Paralysis Technique and Time Reversal Technique to take advantage of this.
In the Naruto Shippūden 3: Inheritors of the Will of Fire, one ANBU is seen carrying a pigeon under his coat, as a means of communication.
Cat-Masked ANBU Member

Unnamed ANBU Captain.jpg
MangaChapter #115
AnimeNaruto Episode #68
Appears inAnime and Manga
Voice Actors
EnglishKirk Thornton 
GenderGender Male.svg Male
OccupationANBU Captain
AffiliationKonohagakure Symbol.svg Konohagakure
Ninja RankANBU
[hide]Nature Type
  • Nature Icon Lightning.svg Lightning Release
  • Nature Icon Fire.svg Fire Release (Anime only)
  • Body Elimination Technique (Anime only)
  • Fire Release: Fired Pottery Technique (Anime only)
  • Lightning Release: Four Pillar Bind
  • Lightning Release: Sixteen Pillar Bind (Anime only)
  • Time Reversal Technique (Anime only)

He is a captain in Konohagakure's ANBU force.


Like all other ANBU captains, he is dressed in a white coat and black trousers with bandages tied around his right leg and black sandals. He also has spiky black hair and his mask has a cat motif with three red whisker-like markings


He has shown a wide variety of abilities inclusive of the manipulation of fire and lightning elements. For example, he can cause four rock pillars to spring from the ground and shoot lightning at the enemy to pin them down. After a large amount of mud is put on pillars by his partner, he can use a more powerful version to trap the opponent in the form of aoven like structure. From there the opponent can be cooked by firing the oven also hardening the mud and trapping the opponent further if he survives. He is also adapt at genjutsu being able to cast an illusion that causes the target to recall memories they would otherwise not remember. Encase he is on the verge of death or capture he can use a technique to completely destroy his body with no traces of it left behind whatsoever.

Part I 

Invasion of Konoha Arc 

The ANBU captain and seven other ANBU members were stationed in the Chūnin Exam arena during the final rounds of the Chūnin Exams. When Orochimaru launched the invasion of Konoha, the ANBU captain and his team rushed to help the Third Hokage. However, before they could reach him, the Sound Four put up a barrier that kept them from helping. He and his men were forced to watch the battle between the Third Hokage and Orochimaru. In the end, the Third Hokage died due to using the Dead Demon Consuming Seal and Orochimaru stabbing him with the Kusanagi Sword: Long Sword of the Heavens. When Orochimaru retreated, the ANBU captain and his men tried to prevent them from escaping, but Kidōmaru prevented them from following with his webs. At the Third Hokage's funeral, the Captain cursed his inability to help the Hokage, saying "In the end, all we could do was watch".

Trap Master Arc 

In the anime, a similar-looking ANBU captain and his team interrogated Naruto about Gennō by using the Time Reversal Technique.

Part II 

Three-Tails Arc 

In the anime, a similar-looking ANBU captain was badly wounded by Kabuto on a mission trying to find the location of one of Orochimaru's hideouts. He sent a messenger bird back to Konoha with information about his mission before destroying his body.

Invasion of Pain Arc 

The ANBU attack Pain's summon.
Another identically dressed ANBU captain stayed by Tsunade's side during the beginning of the arc, and later accompanied Ino when she went to aid her father and Ibiki Morino. This ANBU captain defeated one of Pain's summons using Lightning Release: Four Pillar Bind with the aid of two other unnamed ANBU.


  • This ANBU captain has been given the name Otomatsu by fans and the closed captioning. He has also been called Raidō, possibly because he was confused with Raidō Namiashi.
  • The other ANBU were once seen wearing black cloaks, while their leader wore a white cloak giving a distinction between their leader and them.
  • There have been several appearances of an unnamed ANBU captain from Konohagakure, wearing white robes and a cat-like mask. It is unknown if any of these appearance are the same person. In the anime, there are at least two of them, as the second to appear died shortly afterwards.

Arigatou Gozaimasu!

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